care that is truly Caring
Child, Adolescent, & Adult Psychiatry
Therapy and Medication Management * Expertise in antiracism, health equity, global healtH * INDEPENDENT clinician scholar activist * Serving children, adults, and families in california, colorado, new mexico, new jersey, and new york
Come unlock your joy

Standard of care
High quality, individualized, holistic mental healthcare that sees the whole person in the context of their family and community is my most basic standard of care.
Child & adolescent psychiatry
Comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment that contextualize symptoms and avoid over-pathologizing children.
Judicious use of medications to prevent over-medication.
Family therapy and parent training so parents feel equipped to nurture and support children.
The full informed consent regarding child mental health interventions to avoid harm at all costs.
adult psychiatry
Developmentally informed evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment that account for identity and stage of life.
Focus on achieving life goals while thoughtfully prescribing medication.
Family therapy as needed to promote intergenerational healing.
The full informed consent around your care and the care of those you love to avoid harm in mental health intervetions at all costs.
Hello. I am Rupi Legha, MD.
elite education with a critical lens
After graduating from Harvard Medical School, I completed nine years of post-graduate training in adult psychiatry, global mental health, and child and adolescent psychiatry. I was trained in the best of what biomedicine has to offer but am also aware of its limitations.
citizen of the world who celebrates diversity
I spent years working and living worldwide, including in Haiti, Peru, and South Korea. I respect and value diverse lived experiences, cultivate strengths, and never focus solely on pathology.